Monday, December 03, 2007

Professional Development Brainshare: Israel to Kenosha

Today, teachers and administrators from Hillcrest School in Kenosha, Wisconsin USA met with teachers and administrators from Albayan and Yigal Allon AMAL schools in Tel Sheva,
Israel to exchange ideas and share information on their programs.

Through this iChat conference, teachers and administrators of schools with atypical
populations in two different countries had the opportunity to :

• Share educational theories and strategies
• Cultivate cultural awareness and exchange
• Expand the schools’ learning communities
• Open up the possibility of student videoconferencing and other school and student

This is the first of several connections and I'll say it again- the more we think we are different from those across the globe- the more I realize we are the same. We share the same issues, concerns and passions for teaching that make us true educators.

Thanks to Carol and Barb Foye- our daughter/mother contacts that made this connection possible!

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